About Young Actors Theatre

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the length of a class session?
  • Classes run early-September – mid-May.  The focus of the first semester is on technique and the second semester focuses on performance skills.
When do classes begin and what is the curriculum for each semester?
  • Session One – September – Mid-January
  • Session Two – Mid January – May
What do the students learn in class?
  • Students in all classes receive instruction in drama skills, singing for the stage, and movement/dance, taught by members of YAT’s professionally-trained faculty.
Do the students perform?
  •  Yes! Performance is a key element of the YAT program. Students perform for their parents in January and May and frequently for the other students at YAT.
When will my child perform?
  • Introductory classes feature a January “Share Day” and a May showcase on the mainstage.
  • Intermediate classes feature two showcases on the mainstage (December/January and May)
  • Company classes feature various audition and performance opportunities.
What if I enroll my child and they aren’t happy?
  • We feel confident that the vast majority of children will love the YAT program; however, tuition will be prorated if YAT is notified of any dissatisfaction within the first two classes of the session.
Do I have to pay for a session in full?
  •  If you pay for a session in full, you receive a discount. A variety of Payment Plans are available.
What if I have a scheduling conflict?
  •  We have many class options. Please call the YAT office if you have a conflict and we can discuss other options (850-386-6602).
What if I am not sure my child will even enjoy theatre classes. Is there a way to try a class?
  • Just contact our office to inquire about complimentary classes (850-386-6602).
How do I register my child?